======================== The Commands Available to you ======================== This file lists the direction keys, the original set of commands, then the alternative set for those used to roguelike commands. If you want full infor- mation about any command, consult the help file "cmddesc.txt". === Keys for moving around and choosing a direction === Original Keyset Directions Roguelike Keyset Directions 7 8 9 y k u 4 6 h l 1 2 3 b j n === Original Keyset Command Summary === a Aim a wand A Activate an artifact b Browse a book B Bash a door c Close a door C Character description d Drop an item D Disarm a trap e Equipment list E Eat some food f Fire an item F Fuel your lantern/torch g Stay still (flip pickup) G Gain new spells/prayers h (unused) H (unused) i Inventory list I Observe an item j (unused) J (unused) k Destroy an item K (unused) l Look around L Locate player on map m Cast a spell M Full dungeon map n (unused) N (unused) o Open a door or chest O (unused) p Pray a prayer P (unused) q Quaff a potion Q Quit (commit suicide) r Read a scroll R Rest for a period s Search for traps/doors S Toggle search mode t Take off equipment T Dig a tunnel u Use a staff U Use racial ability v Throw an item V Version info w Wear/wield equipment W (unused) x Mix potions X (unused) y Invoke a Talisman Y (unused) z Zap a rod Z (unused) ! Interact with system ^A (special - debug command) @ Interact with macros ^B (unused) # (unused) ^C (special - break) $ User interface ^D (unused) % Interact with visuals ^E Toggle choice window ^ (special - control key) ^F Repeat level feeling & Interact with colors ^G (unused) * Target monster or location ^H (unused) ( Load screen dump ^I (special - tab) ) Dump screen dump ^J (special - linefeed) { Inscribe an object ^K (unused) } Uninscribe an object ^L (unused) [ (unused) ^M (special - return) ] (unused) ^N (unused) - Walk (flip pickup) ^O (unused) _ Enter store ^P Show previous messages + Alter grid ^Q Show current quest information = Set options ^R Redraw the screen ; Walk (with pickup) ^S Save and don't quit : Take notes ^T (unused) ' (unused) ^U (unused) " Enter a user pref command ^V Repeat last command , Stay still (with pickup) ^W (unused) < Go up staircase ^X Save and quit . Run ^Y (unused) > Go down staircase ^Z (special - borg command) \ (special - bypass keymap) | (unused) ` (special - escape) ~ Check knowledge / Identify symbol ? Help === Roguelike Keyset Command Summary === a Zap a rod (Activate) A Activate an artifact b (walk - south west) B (run - south west) c Close a door C Character description d Drop an item D Disarm a trap or chest e Equipment list E Eat some food f Bash a door (force) F Fuel your lantern/torch g Stay still (flip pickup) G Gain new spells/prayers h (walk - west) H (run - west) i Inventory list I Observe an item j (walk - south) J (run - south) k (walk - north) K (run - north) l (walk - east) L (run - east) m Cast a spell M Full dungeon map n (walk - south east) N (run - south east) o Open a door or chest O Use racial ability p Pray a prayer P Browse a book q Quaff a potion Q Quit (commit suicide) r Read a scroll R Rest for a period s Search for traps/doors S Invoke a Talisman t Fire an item T Take off equipment u (walk - north east) U (run - north east) v Throw an item V Version info w Wear/wield equipment W Locate player on map (Where) x Look around X (unused) y (walk - north west) Y (run - north west) z Aim a wand (Zap) Z Use a staff (Zap) ! Interact with system ^A (special - debug command) @ Interact with macros ^B (alter - south west) # Toggle search mode ^C (special - break) $ Mix potions ^D Destroy item % Interact with visuals ^E Toggle choice window ^ (special - control key) ^F Repeat level feeling & Interact with colors ^G (unused) * Target monster or location ^H (alter - west) ( Load screen dump ^I (special - tab) ) Dump screen dump ^J (alter - south) { Inscribe an object ^K (alter - north) } Uninscribe an object ^L (alter - east) [ (unused) ^M (special - return) ] (unused) ^N (alter - south east) - Walk (flip pickup) ^O (unused) _ Enter store ^P Show previous messages + Alter grid ^Q Show current quest information = Set options ^R Redraw the screen ; Walk (with pickup) ^S Save and don't quit : Take notes ^T Dig a Tunnel ' (unused) ^U (alter - north east) " Enter a user pref command ^V Repeat last command , Run ^W (unused) < Go up staircase ^X Save and quit . Stay still (with pickup) ^Y (alter - north west) > Go down staircase ^Z (special - borg command) \ (special - bypass keymap) | (unused) ` (special - escape) ~ Check knowledge / Identify symbol ? Help